Project for training of migrants awarded the Erasmus + inclusivity distinction
The IEUME project was awarded the Erasmus + inclusivity distinction from the Portuguese E+ National Agency at the V Erasmus + Equity and Inclusion Seminar, hosted online on 25th of November, 2020.
The project, funded by the Erasmus +, aims to promote the integration of migrants in their host countries through online training on issues pertinent to the European Union and its values. This training is free of charge and covers topics such as the EU institutions, access to rights, political culture, civic participation, employability, and cultural heritage.
Among numerous educational tools, the project offers several curricula and games associated with the aforementioned themes. All the material is available in Portuguese, English, French, German, Greek and Maltese, and can be found on the IEUME website or at the dedicated project App available on the Google Play Store and on the App Store for Android and IOS devices respectively. You can find the App by searching for "IEUME".